
Field Notes

Welcome to our Field Notes podcast, where we interview industry personalities with interesting stories to tell.

David J. Odeh’s father helped steer him into structural engineering and to the family company, where he has become a widely respected voice and leader in his own right.

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Weekly Jigsaw Puzzle

SR 28N over Fishing Brook Bridge

American Radiator Building

This year, a New York Art Deco icon turns 100!

The American Radiator Building, also known as the American Standard Building, is a 23-story structural steel-framed tower designed by architects John Howells and Raymond Hood.

In fact, Howells and Hood, whose neo-Gothic design won the 1922 international design competition for Chicago’s Tribune Tower, are said to have designed the American Radiator Building based on inspiration from Finnish architect Eliel Saarinen’s second-place design for the Tribune Tower.

Celebrate the American Radiator Building’s century of design excellence with our puzzle of the week!

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